What Type of Law Do You Do? Part Three


Health Law—“A statute, ordinance, or code that prescribes sanitary standards and regulations for the purpose of promoting and preserving the community’s health.”
-Black’s Law Dictionary


My last required round table was about health law and the different opportunities available to those interested in such matters.  But fear not!  This does not mean this will be my last post about different legal career paths.  You guys have shown your love for these posts so I’ll try to find out about more careers and give you a look into what a lawyer does in that type of job.

What Type of Law Do You Do? Part Two


Corporate Law--"Collectively, the statutes, rules, regulations, and legal doctrines relating to the ways in which corporations operate.”

-Black’s Law Dictionary

The second of the practice area round tables I attended was about corporate law.  Just to let you know, the practice areas I’ll be focusing are all on areas of law that I’m interested in but if you have interest in any other areas, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

What Type of Law Do You Do? Part One


Intellectual Property--"A category of intangible rights protecting commercially valuable products of the human intellect.  This category comprises primarily trademark, copyright, and patent rights, but also includes trade-secret rights, publicity rights, moral rights, and rights against unfair competition.”

-Black’s Law Dictionary


Today was a very eventful day.  I got cold-called on in my Civ Pro class for the first time, tabled for Barbri, and attended a practice area roundtable.  At my school, all 1Ls are required to attend three of these round tables to see what practitioners in that particular field do for their jobs. For these sessions, I’ll talk a little bit about what the attorneys discussed when it came to their jobs and give you some insight into what a career in that field is like!  Today was the first of the ones I’m attending and focused on Intellectual Property.

How to Bluebook


Bluebook--"The citation guide that is generally considered the authoritative reference for America legal citations.
-Black’s Law Dictionary

Last week, my TA for Legal Writing hosted a session introducing us to the Bluebook.  Over the past eight years, I’ve used about five other citation styles so it was a little annoying to have to learn another one.  Though, hopefully, this will be the only one I’ll have to use again!

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